Showing 61-80 of 178 Books
Land disruptions in the Mediterranean....
It is a scientific work, compiling various articles written by university researchers from the Mediterranean, dealing with one region per...
Economy & politics ELLOUMI Mohamed, JOUVE Anne-Marie
Marseilles, the international market of...
Olive oil, an item of everyday consumption, together with its uses characteristic of the period 1725-1825, is dealt with in...
History & archeology BOULANGER Patrick
Mediterranean agriculture, variety of ancient...
This "Cahier d'histoire des Techniques" presents the most innovative aspects of research of the history of the Mediterranean agriculture. Studies...
History & archeology Marie-Claire Amouretti, Georges Comet
Mediterranean cuisine, all the cuisine...
"Just like spices and aromatic herbs, olive oil is an essential ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. Basil, mint, cumin, aniseed and...
Gastronomy & Cooking BALDUCCHI P
Mediterranean lands. Fragmentation : wealth...
It is a scientific work. It interrogates perceptions on the fragmentation of Mediterranean land and the rationalities of its actors,...
Economy & politics JOUVE Anne-Marie
Mediterranean production and export potential for fruit, vegetables, olive oil. Mediterranean production and export potential...
As part of the project "Impacts of agricultural trade liberalization between the EU and Mediterranean countries" (EU-MED AGPOL)
Economy & politics Tyner Wallace
Old olive oil mills and presses on the island of Corfu, Greece Old olive oil mills and...
Study on preindustrial oil production in Corfu
History & archeology August SORDINAS
Oleology: Tasting olive oil like...
Oleology is a new approach inspired by wine tasting. Just like the different vintages of wine, olive oils can be...
Gastronomy & Cooking Monique Brault, Lionel Brault
Oli: Olive trees in the...
From ancient history to today's economy, the place of the olive tree and the oils it produces in the landscape...
History & archeology Bernard Rieu, Alexia Rossel, Patrick Llenas, Christian Pinatel
Olive for your health
Professor Henri Joyeux and olive grower Frank Poirier reveal the extraordinary virtues of this Mediterranean treasure.Science proves the virtues of...
Health & medicine Pr Henri Joyeux, Frank Poirier
Olive groves and olive presses...
This is an important work on olive growing and its industrial utilisation, and is recognised as being one of the...
Economy & politics Joao DA MOTTA PREGO
Olive growing in the region of Fez Olive growing in the region...
Geography thesis defended at François Rabelais University in Tours, about the region of Fez in Morocco
Agriculture Lahsen JENNAN
Olive Leaf Extract: Nature’s Antibiotic
Details a compound taken from olive leaves called Oleurupein that provides disease resistant properties and that is effective in treating...
Health & medicine Morton WALKER
Olive leaves: A poetic and...
No tree in the world has inspired poets more than the olive tree. And even today, no tree inspires more...
Literature Jacques BONNADIER, Joseph PACINI
Olive oil & hydrolic oil...
To be interested in the functioning of hydraulic oil mills. To know how the ancients knew how to adapt to...
History & archeology Max LAMBERT
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