Research into oil and wine production in Antiquity
The production of wine, oil and perfumes was an important source of wealth in the Greco-Roman world, and has been the subject of a great deal of field research, which I present in this thesis in the form of 20 books and articles. In the introduction, I examine all the written sources and the iconography of mills and presses, and conclude that only archaeological excavations provide new information. A 974-page book on the archaeology of the Var department provides a summary of this research for Provence. A number of articles focus on technical aspects, such as “the distinction between olive-growing and wine-making installations”, “technical innovations”, “yields” and “the introduction of mills”. Others correspond to excavation publications: “the Gallo-Roman villa at saint michel”, “an ancient rural farm at costebelle”, “the oil mill at ilot iii and the presses at entremont”, “the Roman wine villa at cavalaire”, “two Roman hydraulic mills in narbonnaise”, “an oil mill in the theatre district of delos”. A series of articles provides summaries on Gaul (“l’oleiculture et la viticulture antiques en gaule”, “une crise agraire en provence au iiie siecle de notre ere? “, “la production du vin en gaule”, “la viticulture antique en narbonnaise orientale”), on lusitania (“la production de l’huile et du vin en lusitanie romaine”) and on germany (“la viticulture romaine dans la vallee de la moselle et en rhenanie”). Three articles deal with the production of perfumes: “une parfumerie sur le forum de paestum”, “la maison ib du quartier du stade et la fabrication des parfums a delos a l’epoque hellenistique”, “the production of perfumes in antiquity”. This provides an overview of the history of wine, oil and perfume production techniques, as well as the beginnings of an economic history of these products in antiquity.