On April 6th an extremely interesting meeting
will take place in Postiglione (Salerno), organised by the “Association of
Municipalities of Central Cilento” (AS.CO.CI), member of the OTRoutes –
Routes of the Olive Tree Network. The aim is “to inform the municipalities
of the Association interested in developing cultural initiatives in the context
of the creation of an Olive Tree Route in their region.
The theme of the conference, “La via degli Ulivi” (The Olive Tree Route), seals the cooperation between our Foundation and the Italian municipalities of Cilento, demonstrates that we share the same values that the olive tree represents for the olive-growing regions and that we have common objectives such as the promotion of the cultural heritage of the olive tree for the benefit of local communities.
More information at: www.associazionedeicomunidelcilentocentrale.it