The “Routes of the Olive Tree” actively participated in the 3-day Fira de s’Oliva festival which this year took place from 18-20 November in the beautiful village of Caimari in the Municipality of Selva, an area known for its rich cultural heritage of the olive tree.
With the doors and windows of the houses decorated with olive branches, the streets full of visitors, both local and foreigners, the programme included social, gastronomic events, an exhibition on the history and cultural heritage of the olive tree in the area, a market of traditional products and creations of local artists, traditional music and dances.
The programme also included an important scientific meeting during which the Mayor of Selva, Mr Joan Rotger, announced the creation of an ‘Olive Academy’ (‘Acadèmia de l’Oliva’), a body aiming to bring together the world of the olive tree, in which the Cultural Foundation OTRoutes ‘Routes of the Olive Tree’ will participate by implementing specific proposals which were discussed and unanimously accepted.
It should be noted that the ‘Routes of the Olive Tree’ have a long and successful collaboration with the Centro Unesco of Mallorca, the municipality of Selva and other municipalities in the interior of Mallorca in the context of promoting the rich cultural heritage of the region.