3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference Cluster Servagri on strategies-improved practices in the olive sector (Tunis 23-25/11/2023)

On Saturday 25/11/2023, the “Routes of the Olive Tree” participated at the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference Cluster Servagri, in the section “capitalization-dissemination of the project’s results”, with a presentation entitled “Creation of a cross-border cultural route Italy-Tunisia”. The creation of the route was carried out in the framework of the IEV CT cross-border cooperation programme “Italy-Tunisia”, project Cluster Servagri. The aim of the project was to create management, certification and product labelling systems for an efficient and sustainable olive sector.

The 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference was organised by INAT (National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia) on 23-25/11/2023. Apart from the Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree”, the conference was attended by more than 20 organisations through their representatives, distinguished researchers and scientists in the sector.