
Several small and large events and festivals are organized around the olive tree every year all over the Mediterranean. Please find below the ones we have registered so far.

 L’Alicoque, the new olive oil Festival – Nyons

Organised by the Brotherhood of the Olive Tree Knights, this festival takes place in the Arches Square (place des Arcades) every year on the first Sunday of February, at the end of the olive-harvest.

 Olivades Festival – Nyons

Organised by the Brotherhood of the Olive Tree Knights, this festival takes place every year in July.

 Green Olives Festival – Mouriès

It is held on the third weekend of September. Cracked olive contests, tasting of local products, bulls, folk traditions, everything annouces the arrival of the sacred fruit. http://www.mouries.fr/index2.php?show=fetes&id=9

 New Olive Oil Festival – Mouriès

It is organised during the first week-end of December at the St Michel Mill. After the enthroning ceremony of personnalities at the New Oil Order, the enthroned, mill owners and guests taste the new oil and local oil-based products.

 Pane e olio in frantoio

This Festival is organised by the Associazione Nationale Città dell’Olio. It is held annually in November in many towns of italy. It involves oil-tasting as well as presentation of other basic diet products of the Mediterranean gastronomy.

 Festa della Frasca – Giano (Umbria)

An ancient traditional festival which was abandoned in 1950 and re-organised since 1996. It is held at the end of November in order to celebrate the successful and of the harvest.

 Fiesta di Olivo – Mora (Toledo)

Every year, starting on the first Sunday of April, three whole days are dedicated o the celebration of the sacred fruit : contests, games, olive products tasting, folk dances, music and enthronement of the Queen of the Festival.

 Las Jornadas del Olivar y el Aceite – Baena

Dedicated to all the aspects of olive (health, economy, gastronomy, etc.) the festival takes place every year in November, after end of the harvest.