WEBINAR “Dialogues of Cultural Routes: Challenges and Opportunities after Covid-19”, at the initiative of the International Relations & EU Directorate of the Greek Ministry of Culture & Sports

The Directorate of International Relations & EU of the Ministry of Culture of Greece, as a contact point for the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes program, is organizing a live web seminar ‘WEBINAR’ on the subject “Cultural Routes Dialogue: Challenges and Opportunities after Covid-19”, on Friday, June 26, at 3:00 p.m. (Greek time), in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the European Institute of Cultural Routes.
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The aim of the WEBINAR is to explore the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of culture and tourism, especially on the networks and actions of the Council of Europe’s European Routes that cross Greece, to identify the challenges facing cultural routes and to discuss about the opportunities and innovative solutions that emerge through the crisis.

The WEBINAR will be conducted in Greek and will be rebroadcast live on the social media of the Cultural Routes of the CoE https://www.facebook.com/CultureRoutes, from where you can watch it as well as submit questions, via the live chat of Facebook.

The WEBINAR is part of the actions of the Greek Ministry of the Interior in the context of the current Greek Presidency of the Council of Europe https://coegreekchairmirmanship2020.gov.gr/