Annual General Assembly of the OTRoutes network

The Annual General Assembly of Members of the Routes of the Olive Tree – OTRoutes Network, was held successfully on September 23, 2020, and its works was carried out this year using audiovisual means (teleconference) according to health protocols for the spread of COVID 19.

The works of the General Assembly was opened by the new President, Mr. Edouard de Laubrie, who underlined that the period since the previous General Assembly has been undoubtedly stigmatized by the international health crisis which is testing the resilience of the economy and society. He stressed that the impact on the tourism sector is enormous: the cancellations of reservations, delays in the implementation of projects have created a suffocating climate in all olive-growing regions and in companies a significant liquidity crisis. The dramatic loss of global income and the declining GDP of all countries make it difficult to predict how the culture and tourism sectors will develop in the near future.

Among the topics discussed, the report and activities of the past year, the action plan and sources of funding, the presentation of the study for the creation of branches in the countries participating in the network with the 1st pilot application in France, the update of the internal regulations, the contributions.