«Together we can transform the world»

The Hellenic Platform for Development, in the framework of the project “Sustainable Europe for All”, participates in the European Week for Sustainable Development, implementing the campaign “Together we can transform the world”.

The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) is a pan-European initiative aimed at fostering and promoting actions and events and upgrading sustainable development, held from 30 May to 5 June 2019.
The purpose of the campaign is to inform the general public about Sustainable Development Goals and the changes that can be made at individual and institutional level.
The campaign focuses on 6 of the 17 Global Objectives (Objective 4: Quality Education, Objective 8: Decent Work and Economic Development, Objective 10: Less Disparities, Objective 13: Climate Action, Objective 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Objective 17: cooperation on objectives). These objectives will be examined at the high level United Nations Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 9-18 July 2019 in New York.
Nearly 4 years since the adoption of the Agenda 2030 and the Objectives of Sustainable Development, Greece now begins the process of developing a National Implementation Plan for the Global Objectives, while it is observed that there is still a gap in awareness among citizens about how to bring small changes to our daily habits.

The campaign” together we can transform the world “was created in the”act/demand” pattern.

With the verb “Act” are presented acts that can bring change at an individual level, while with the verb “Demand” are presented requests of the “Civil Society” for a reform at the national institutional level.
The campaign’s proposals are the result of collaboration between the members of the Greek Platform: ActionAid Hellas, Equal Society, PRAKSIS, Earth and the World without Wars and Violence.
► The Cultural foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”, collaborates and actively participates in the actions of the Hellenic Platform for Development, which coordinates a network of civil Society Organisations active in the fields of sustainable development, humanitarian aid, international development cooperation and development education. In this context, the Foundation organizes an open air exhibition in Kalamata to inform the public.