Following the announcement by the State of Palestine to the United Nations regarding its integration to the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, the State of Palestine joined the International Olive Oil Council on 9 April 2017.
The Hon. Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Madrid Mr. Musa Amer Odeh was welcomed by the Executive Director of the International Olive Oil Council Mr. Abdellatif Ghedira, the two Deputy Executive Directors Mr. Jaime Lillo and Mr. Mustafa Sepetçi and the executives of the Executive Secretariat, who welcomed the new country on behalf of all the member states of the International Olive Oil Council.
In his statement, Mr. Odeh reminded that the olive tree has always been an international symbol of peace and thanked the Executive Secretariat for the reception. The diplomats and ambassadors who attended the meeting saluted this international recognition of a new and important partner in the olive oil sector.
Olive oil production in Palestine has a very long history and continues to develop by means of modern facilities. Currently, there are approximately 90.000 hectares of olive trees that produce annually 16.000 tons of virgin and extra virgin olive oil.
The most important local varieties are Nabali and Souri.
The obtained olive oil is slightly fruity, with perfume that reminds the picual variety and a rich, sweet and piquant flavour.