A very fulfilling experience that we share with our partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece and Spain, with the aim of diversifying the EU tourism offer by developing and promoting transnational thematic tourism products of rural tourism focused on wellness and wellbeing across the Routes of Olive Tree.
The significant Project Idea is building a 7 country-transnational public-private network to deliver a model for designing, managing and promoting market-driven thematic products of rural tourism focused on wellness and wellbeing across the Routes of Olive Tree. The project is intended to achieve some important integrated Objectives:
- diversifying the transnational offer of sustainable tourism and fostering competitiveness of European tourism,
- promoting innovation and uptake of new information technologies in the tourism sector
- complying with the changing market expectations and boosting skills and capabilities of professionals and workers in the tourism sector,
- enhancing cooperation and dialogue at European level and building up on a common European heritage that is the Olive Oil and Tree, a symbol of peace, prosperity, friendship and social dialogue, thus encouraging its protection and long-term preservation,
- allowing to transfer project practices among members and stakeholders across the Routes of the Olive Tree.
The Thematic Product is a European olive-based tourism product of rural tourism focused on wellness and wellbeing activities, and including cycling and walking tours, cultural experiential activities, wine and food tasting, all revolving around the olive oil tree and following the main pattern of the Routes of Olive Tree. The product matches education with entertainment and innovation, providing opportunities to create synergies among different public and private actors, as well as different kind of thematic and motivational tourism (cultural, rural, wellness and wellbeing, wine and food).
Expected Results of Well-O-live are:
- developed participative and well-integrated thematic products of sustainable tourism
- enhanced accessibility, visibility and market uptake of experiential rural tourism
- boosted human and managerial skills and capabilities of tourism workers and professional in designing and developing sustainable thematic tourism products
- Improved image and competitiveness of rural destinations through strategies of experiential marketing,
- fostered methodologies of sustainable product management and destination management through raising-awareness and capacity building actions.
What we have done so far:
- The project Action plan and Information System model were created as part of the WP1
- The Project kick off meeting was held in Brindisi on the 15th and 16th of June 2016 as part of the WP1
- A Quality Board has been appointed and Quality Assurance and Evaluation Plan were created as part of the WP2
- A Dissemination Plan and a Stakeholder Database have been set up as part of the WP8
- A Project Logo has been created and a Project Website is in progress as part of the WP8
- The Activities Mapping for the creation of a comprehensive olive oil and Tourism Database is in progress as part of the WP3
- The Experience Labs organisation is in progress as part of WP4
Our project targets are tourism SMEs, regional authorities, policy decision-makers, chambers of commerce and sectorial institutions/organizations, universities and training providers with the aim of empowering local communities, students and jobseekers.
For this reason, we are glad to inform you about the Well-O-live project, we really hope that you will benefit of its outputs and we will keep you posted about the next milestones.
Thank You!
The Well-O-live partnership
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