MedDiet Project: Steering Committee Meeting in Alexandria, Egypt

The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” – partner in the project MedDiet- participated in the meeting which took place on October 13-14, 2014.
The partners had the opportunity to follow the progress of the activities, discuss practical issues and plan the next actions within the project.
More concretely, the agenda included issues like the promotion of the MedDiet Quality Label for Restaurants, the creation of Mediterranean Diet Info Points and the implementation of capitalization events on national and international level in all partner countries.

The project «MedDiet – Mediterranean Diet & Enhancement of Traditional Foodstuff» is being implemented in the framework of the European Neighborhood & Partnership Instrument of the Programme Cross-border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin (ENPI CBC Med) ( ENPI CBC Med Programme aims at strengthening cooperation between EU and regions of Mediterranean partner countries. The objective of the project is to raise awareness among the public and actors on the Mediterranean Diet, valorization and safeguarding of traditional foodstuff and creation of a new legal – institutional framework.
The project, which will be completed in 2015, brings together 11 organizations from Italy, Spain, Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia. Greece is represented by the Messinian Chamber and the Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree”.