The Cultural Foundation «The Routes of the Olive Tree» participated for 6th consecutive year in the event « Mediterranean Days of the Olive Tree» and the Meeting of the Network of the Olive Oil Producing Countries in the Mediterranean (Re.Co.Med), which was successfully realized in the city of Meknès in Morocco (February 26th-28th & March 1st 2013) .
2013-03-25For another year the « Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in the «Mediterranean Days of the Olive Tree», a major event which gathers every year all the olive oil producing countries of the Mediterranean around the same table.
The Cultural Foundation was represented by the Vice President of the CE Mrs. Marinella Katsilieri, who, in the framework of the International Congress under the title«Quality, Health and Mediterranean Diet: at the heart of Competitivity, Marketing and Strategies Commercialization of Olive Oil», presented the promotional strategies for Greek olive oil in the foreign markets. Approximately 30 representatives from the Mediterranean countries participated in the Congress, which was organised by the National Agricultural University- Agro-pole Olivier – of Morocco and the International University of Andalusia in Spain.The National Agricultural University- Agro-pole Olivier- of Morocco is among the most dynamic members of the Euromediterranean network the Routes of the Olive Tree and the Cultural Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » has an active part in it, both as a co organizer and a promoter of the annual events.

On the occasion of this event, on February 26th 2013 was held the Meeting of the Olive Oil Producing Countries of the Mediterranean (Re.Co.Med), with the participation of all the Mediterranean olive oil producing countries. The Cultural Foundation «The Routes of the Olive Tree» is a founding member of the network and its official representative for Greece. During the meeting, the Cultural Foundation «the Routes of the Olive Tree» was represented by its delegate Mrs. Margarita Boviccelli, who took part in the works.

This double participation has a multilevel importance, considering that the Cultural Foundation «The Routes of the Olive Tree» was the only Greek actor to participate in the 2 important Mediterranean meetings that aimed at dissemination and promotion of intercultural dialogue among the Mediterranean countries.