Trois photographes et une artiste-peintre ont participé à la 10e édition des Routes de l’Olivier. Une collaboration riche, haute en images et en couleurs !

A l’occasion de l’itinéraire 2008, la « caravane » des Routes de l’Olivier a eu la chance de compter parmi ses collaborateurs trois photographes professionnels,Andrea Bonetti, Giorgos Prinos, et Tassos Vamvakas, et une artiste-peintre, Heike Kummer.

Durant toute la durée du parcours, ils ont apporté un regard particulier et personnel sur cette extraordinaire aventure qui a mené Les Routes de l’Olivier sur celles de l’Asie centrale jusqu’à Moscou, pendant près de deux mois.

Il ont retranscrit, chacun à leur manière, les paysages parcourus, la diversité culturelle de chaque pays, la route tracée et le voyage exceptionnel des « routards de l’olivier ». Mais aussi les moments et les situations insolites, les échanges et les rencontres originales…Autant d’anecdotes qui font de chaque itinéraire une expérience de terrain hors du commun et une façon à part de découvrir chaque pays!

Des portraits saisissants de Giorgos Prinos à la palette colorée et fantaisiste de Heike Kummer, en passant par les paysages captivants d’Andrea Bonetti et les clichés « itinérants » et sensibles de Tassos Vamvakas, le travail attentif de ces artistes est le véritable carnet de route des Routes de l’Olivier!

Dans les mois à venir, la Fondation souhaite mettre en valeur ces œuvres artistiques en direction du grand public, à travers notamment plusieurs expositions etl’édition d’un album consacré au 10ème itinéraire…

Artists’ biographies

Heike Kummer


Born in Waiblingen, Germany in 1970.Studied as a Goldsmith in Pforzheim and Hamburg, Germany.In 1998 she applied for an advertised job in a goldsmith workshop on Rhodes, Greece where she worked as goldsmith and in tourism until 2003.Contacts to other local and foreign artists led her to free art studies which she began on Rhodos and continued in Athens where she lived till 2006.During that time she participated in several group exhibitions on Rhodes.Since 2006 Student at the University of Western Macedonia, department of Applied and Visual Arts. More information available on the site www.heikekummer.com

Andrea Bonetti


Born in Lugano, Switzerland, in 1968, after studies in Biology in Italy, Andrea Bonetti moved in 1995 to begin a research on the birds of the Gialova Lagoon of Pylos, SW Peloponnese. His studies brought him close to wildlife photography, which slowly became his main occupation. His pictures have been published in various magazines around the world. His third book, a guide to the Greek Nature, is in bookshops since july, published by ROAD Editions, and will be published soon in a smaller guide format. More information available on the site http://www.andreabonetti.com/   

George Prinos


He was born in Athens in 1977. He studied photography at the Leica Academy and the Photography Cycle. He has worked for many magazines of the Greek Press and from 2002 until 2004 for the “Athens 2004” Organising Committee for the Olympic Games. His work has also been exhibited in collective exhibitions in Greece and abroad. He lives and works in Athens. He participated for the first time in the Cultural Itinerary “Routes of the Olive Tree” in the summer of 2002 and keeps collaborating regularly with the Foundation.


Tassos Vamvakas


Born in Kalamata, T. Vamvakas’ first contact with the art of photography while still in the university. He was a student in the school of Agronomics where he makes his first steps in photography, steps that will lead him, ultimately, to his full and professional involvement with it. Since 2003, he retains, in collaboration with G. Kossyvas, the studio of professional photography Studio F, while from time to time exhibits his work in individual or collective exhibitions. T. Vamvakas is the official photographer of the “Routes of the Olive Tree”, while at times teaches at the seminars of the Photography Club of Kalamata. More information available on the site http://www.studiof.gr/



1 et 8 Andrea Bonetti
2 et 3 Γιώργος Πρίνος
4 et 7 Heike Kummer
5 et 6 Τάσος Βαμβακάς